Thursday, May 24, 2007

7:10 - weet-bix

chicken hanichi with alison and ardelle


eats said...

where did you get the black bowl with the spots inside? it is very cute.

if i ever get a chance to visit your place, i'm going to take a big handbag so i can steal a couple of things! you've got nice looking stuff!

i also like the little japanese wooden doll. very cute.

valter said...

i'll organise a dinner party so you can come over ... just as soon as I get some dining room chairs as I sold the ones I had on eBay.

The black bowl with spots was from Ikea - i reckon it's very cute too. The Japanese wooden doll was from tokyo when I went there in 2005.

Anonymous said...

how much did the little bowls cost? are they plastic or ceramic?

who else will you invite to your dinner party? will we get oven baked fish??

valter said...

highly probable that it will be baked fish.

the bowls are ceramic: it's like this :

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"Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetites." Quintilian