Thursday, May 24, 2007


eats said...

what sort of naan are we not having for lunch today?

valter said...

the Keemah Naan (the one with mince meat).

That was my dinner.. I'm sorry, I got hungry and didn't want to eat the curry as that was for you.

Anonymous said...

you don't have to save the curries for me. you should just eat them for dinner! i feel guilty for eating your dinner now! :-)

valter said...

maybe it's because I'm a Chinese Dog and they are "the givers in life, prepared to sacrifice their own dreams, ambitions and desires AND curries for the sake of others, particularly for those they love."

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"Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetites." Quintilian