Friday, May 25, 2007


Anonymous said...

your sister's lunch looks very fancy. did that take her ages to prepare?

valter said...

she actually took the day off work - so for that much time I was expecting a banquet!

Anonymous said...

actually, i'm kind of disappointed that in the last month you haven't been to your mum's place for dinner. i was hoping to see an italian banquet.

i hope your sister doesn't read your comment. you might not get invited over again!

Anonymous said...

um, excuse me, i didn't take the day of work to make dinner. Advice for Alison: be aware my brother is a hard person to please. But you most probably know that already.

eats said...

You should read this astrology profile for valter (year of the dog)

Don't you think this sounds like him??

"Frequently cynical, he is feared for his sharp tongue and his acid and disagreeable remarks. He gives the impression of looking systematically for faults in everything he touches. This is because he is the world's biggest pessimist..."

it says some nice things about him too, but that one i thought was quite accurate.

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"Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetites." Quintilian